Quadrantids Meteor Shower Party 2020
Join us for the peak of the Quadrantids Meteor Shower!
The Quadrantids Meteor Shower Party is happening January 3rd - 5th, 2020, at the ESO’s Death Valley Stargazing Camp — located just west of the park boundary in Panamint Valley. The event will feature astronomy lectures, nighttime photography workshops with Chris Ewen Crosby, giveaways from Meade Instruments, a SHIFTPOD warming hut, deep space viewing through a huge 14” Meade telescope, and more!
View the cosmos through the huge 14” Meade LX850 telescope
The Quadrantids are a lively meteor shower producing up to 40 meteors per hour. The peak of the shower falls in the early morning hours of January 4th — making for a great weekend show under some of the darkest skies in the country.
Chris Ewen Crosby will be teaching his professional nightscaper techniques to anyone interested
DSLR astrophotogrpahy tutorials using a sky tracker with Samuel Kahn will also be featured (IG: @alpineastro)
This event is a two night campout, so bring your tent, RV, Van, or whatever “car camping” setup you enjoy most (including your food and water). Porta-potties will be available onsite. The Death Valley Stargazing Camp lies in largely untouched, pristine Panamint Valley. There are many fun places to visit in the area as well, such as the ghost town of Ballarat, the Trona Pinnacles, Darwin Falls, Panamint Dunes, countless canyons with mining ruins, and of course Death Valley itself. Festivities will begin each day around 3 or 4 pm, so you’ll have the daytime to explore on your own, or relax and take in the vast views right where you’re camping.
Wild, pristine, untouched Panamint Valley has sights for days
Colorful mountains surround the camp
The Trona Pinnacles are an amazing nearby attraction
SHIFTPOD is providing a warming POD, and Meade Instruments is adding two giveaways. A nighttime photo contest will be held amongst any attendees wishing to participate, with the prize being the winner’s choice from a pair of astronomical binoculars or a 4 inch telescope — both courtesy of Meade. Whichever prize isn’t chosen will then be given away amongst the other attendees by random drawing. All in all, this meteor shower party is gearing up to be a unique stargazing experience!
Death Valley Stargazing Camp — Home of the Alien Mailbox
There are still a limited number of spaces available. Visit MeteorShowerParty.com for more info or to register!
Death Valley’s Racetrack Playa
Chris Ewen Crosby!!