The Great Party of 2045
Perseids Meteor Shower & Total Solar Eclipse
August 10th - 13th, 2045
Perseids Starcamp • Sage Valley, Nevada

Pre-Inflation-Priced T-Shirts On Sale Now

Dr. Cameron Hummels gives a lecture on Black Holes at the Perseids Starcamp

The Peak of the Perseids Meteor Shower followed by a Total Solar Eclipse!

Join us for the Great Party of 2045 happening August 10th - 13th, 2045. This event will feature Astronomy lectures, huge telescopes, Q&A with astrophysicists, 2045 teleportation zone (maybe), nightscape photography workshops, camping onsite under the only dark skies left, and the peak of the Perseids Meteor Shower followed by a total solar eclipse!

The total solar eclipse of 2045 will feature a 4 minute, 38 second totality at the Perseids Starcamp